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A moment with Chris Thompson

A myopic view of the world, my life, and anything else worth mentioning

Posts Tagged ‘Best Practices’

How to sell your car yourself and get the most for it

Last year I sold my 2001 Corvette for $15,500. The price we agreed on was within the amount stated for private party Blue Book value in 2010, so why bother writing an article about this? Well, there are a few reasons. First, even though the car was was in great condition with no issues, I wasn’t getting any serious offers. Second, I discovered some effective ways to demonstrate value online. I found out it takes more than throwing my listing on Craigslist and renewing it weekly, let me explain my suggestions on how to sell your car.

The minimum to sell your car…
My plan was to create a better than average Craigslist ad, and highlight the features I thought would help the car sell. I gave the car a thorough cleaning inside and out, and took dozens of pictures. The best ones I uploaded to Photobucket and labeled with titles and descriptions. I then put together an HTML page that I could copy into Craigslist and re-list every week. Here’s what my Craiglist ad looked like when I started. I had listed the car for $16k, which was slightly above good Kelly Blue book value at the time, but as you can see in the photos the car was pretty clean.

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The Power of Email

Since my blog has been heavy on family updates as of late, I thought it was about time to discuss business and best practices. How about discussing the power of email for Internet marketing.

Parents know it’s tough to cook with a newborn in the house, so one of my co-workers was kind enough to setup a dinner schedule to help us out. Shane provided our first dinner and he setup an account on foodtidings.com so others could opt in and schedule dinner for us on follow up nights. The first two scheduled meals worked out great, but there was a snag on #3. Someone had planned to provide us dinner last Friday night, but I wasn’t notified and a bit puzzled Food Tidings didn’t send me a confirmation. In fact, Food Tidings never sent me any email.

Enter the importance of email and opt in

What's your email strategy?

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Suggested by Chris

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